Reasons to use Git in all your projects.

Reasons to use Git in all your projects.


1 min read

Git is a open source version control system used to track changes in the project, user can easily install git on their system and start tracking their projects using git commands.

So Let's see why you should use git in all your projects ?


Git is better in terms of performance than any other version control system. It's commands are powerful and efficient, for more benchmark you can refer to this.


Git guarantees data integration using cryptography algorithms, so basically your data is safe with Git. For more info refer this


It has a large community support that can help you in case you're stuck somewhere and need help. The best part of open source software is it's community that's ready to help you incase you need.


Git enables developer to connect and collaborate on a project, it make the collaboration much easy and seamless, with it's easy to learn and use commands anyone can collab with their peers and other developers.
